Fresh Tournament


It is played in a football stadium with teams of 8 players.

It is held once a year in October.

Matches are played over 25 minutes in one half.

Only undergraduate students with 2023 admissions can participate.

It is organized before the Champions Cup so our new students can form their teams.

Teams that want to participate in this tournament, which can only include preparatory class or first-year undergraduate students enrolled in our university in the 2023-2024 academic year, must be present on the field half an hour before the event time.

A draw will be made among the teams ready at the specified time and the status will be determined.

Fixtures will be determined according to the number of teams participating.

The Champions Cup artificial turf tournament, which is open to all our students, will be held following the fresh tournament.


Teams must have a squad of at least 8 people. There is no upper limit. Players can be added to teams after the tournament starts. These players should not be on another team's list.

Only undergraduate students enrolled in our university in the 2023-2024 academic year can play in the teams.

Teams that play players illegally are considered defeated for that match.

A player can play for a maximum of one team. It can be on the list of at most one team in the tournament. If a player is on the list of more than one team, both teams are responsible. Please check the players in your team.

Teams that are not ready at the start of the match will be deemed defeated for that match. There is no waiting period

Teams are on the field with 7 players and 1 goalkeeper. A team must start the match with at least 5 players. If there are 3 players left during the match, the team automatically loses the match.

In a forfeit defeat, the score is 6-0. Additionally, a -3 point penalty is given.

If the winning team is ahead during a spontaneous defeat, the current score counts. If the losing team is ahead or there is a draw, the points scored by the losing team are preserved and the winning team is given 1 more point.

In all disciplinary matters related to the tournament, the decision of the organizing committee in line with the referee and observer report is binding.

The captain will ensure communication with the committee members.

Objections to the match must be made to the match referee no later than 5 minutes after the end of the match. Any objections made otherwise will be invalid.

All matches will be played on the big football field.

All matches are played in one half. Half time is 2 minutes.

Overtime is not played in knockout competitions. 3 penalty shots are used. In case of equality, a series of penalty shots are made.

Passing to the goalkeeper is prohibited. Goalkeepers must put the ball into play within 5 seconds. Otherwise, a free kick is taken over the front line of the penalty area closest to where the violation occurred.

Goalkeepers can initiate shooting shots manually from inside the penalty area.

Throw-ins are made with the feet. (Can be used over the line or inside or outside the line up to half a meter)

There is no offside rule.

Players cannot wear any jewelry. Materials used for health purposes can be used after referee control and permission.

Wearing crampons is allowed. It is forbidden to wear screw-on cleats made for grass fields. The soles of the crampons must be plastic.

Referees do not have to check cleats. It is the players' responsibility to use appropriate cleats.

Players who are found to be wearing illegal cleats during the match are sent out of the game and asked to change their cleats. The player can return to the game after changing the boots. However, if he does not have or does not want to change his cleats, he cannot continue the game.

It is recommended that players use shin guards against the risk of injury. However, this is not mandatory. Players use shin guards at their own discretion.

The threshold distance for free kicks is 5 meters.

Sliding interference is prohibited, even if it is only on the ball. When a sliding tackle is made, an indirect free kick is awarded (if inside the penalty area, an indirect free kick is awarded from the front line of the nearest penalty area). Goalkeepers can slide inside the penalty area and reach the ball. Outside the penalty area, they are considered players and are not allowed to slide on the ball.

If the group matches end in a draw, 3 consecutive penalties will be scored. In case of a tie, penalty kicks continue until the tie is broken. The team that wins the penalty shootout gets 2 points, the losing team gets 1 point. In addition, in the event of a tie in points, if the match between the teams ends in a draw, the team that won the penalty shootout will be ranked higher.

If 3 or more teams have the same points at the end of the group matches, first the points - average in the matches they played among themselves, and then the general average are considered. TFF instructions are taken into account for average calculations.


The player who receives a red card is out of the game. According to the game rules, the player who receives a card (handling the ball, etc.) can play the next match. Fights, insults, etc. The player who is sent off due to his behavior is punished according to the referee report.

In cases of unsportsmanlike conduct (insults, fights, etc.), the decision taken by the organizing committee in line with the referee and observer report is binding.

The decision taken by the committee cannot be objected to.

The decision of the committee regarding any situation not written in these rules is binding.

It is assumed that all players participating in the tournament have read these rules.



 · Only undergraduate students with 2023-2024 admissions can play in the teams.

· Teams will consist of at least 3 people and at most 4 people. Teams can add people to their squads who have never been on another team's list during the tournament.

· Matches will be played in one pot.

· Teams that play players outside the list are considered defeated for that match.

· Competitions will be played in the main hall of the sports center between 14.00 and 18.00.

· Teams that are not ready at the match start time are considered defeated for that match. There is no waiting period.

· A team must start the match with at least 3 players. If 3 players are not ready at the start of the match, that team loses the match by default. If there are 2 people left during the match, the game continues. If only 1 person remains, the team automatically loses the match.

· Defeat by default is 10-0.

· If the winning team is ahead during a spontaneous defeat, the current score is valid. If the losing team is ahead or there is a draw, the points scored by the losing team are preserved and the winning team is given 1 more point.

· The captain will ensure communication with the committee members. Requests from other players will not be taken into account.


· Matches will be played over 20 minutes. The referee will keep the game time and the clock will only be stopped due to injury or similar reasons. In other cases, the time will not stop.

· The first team to score in the overtime period wins.

· Time is stopped only in the last 1 minute of the match and, if applicable, in the last 1 minute of overtime. The referee announces to the teams how many seconds are left.

· Each team has the right to 1 time-out and it will last 1 minute.

· Player changes are made with the permission of the referee when the game is stopped.

· There is no player foul limitation.

· If a player repeatedly fouls and does so deliberately at the discretion of the referee, he is first warned and informed that he will be out of the game with the next foul. With his next foul, he is out of the game.

· Teams have the right to 5 fouls. The 6th and subsequent fouls are punished with a throw. In this case, 2 shots are used. In an unsportsmanlike foul, two throws are used and the ball is put into play by the same team.

· It does not have a 24 second duration. If the referee feels that the team is refraining from attacking, he first warns and then gives the ball to the opposing team. This issue is at the discretion of the referee.

· The 8 and 3 second rules are not applied, only the 5 second rule is applied.

· There is no jump ball, the match starts with a toss. Subsequent starts are made in the order of throw-ins.

· After each point, the game starts from the semicircle below the circle from the team that conceded the point. It is started by dribbling or passing. No interference can be made to the player inside the semicircle.

Each number is 1 point. Points scored outside the 3-point line are worth 2 points

In case of technical fouls, 1 shot and a throw-in is given.

The team that reaches 21 points before time runs out wins the match, the 2 point difference rule does not apply.